Wednesday, January 2, 2008

PercentComplete Eventhandler…

Last week during my VB.NET Coding for my current project, I had to write a code for Database Backup( fortunately the database is my favorite SQL Server 2005 :) ) .

So simply I started using the SMO objects, and I succeeded with a little efforts as SQL SMO objects have a plenty of resources for this kind of jobs!

When I started working on showing the progress of the Backup, I want to add EventHandler code to my Backup Object and started searching internet. There are plenty of code samples available in the internet that are mainly focusing C# and mine is VB.NET. But of course, I got the foundation idea of how to show the percentage completed during the backup.

The EventHandler I have to add to my code is backup object’s PercentComplete.

So I did the following code with the help of the atricle id 40 authoured by Jasper Smith(wonderful article.).(

One of the best article for the beginners of SQL SMO objects in both C# and VB.NET programmers. It is working very fine.

But if your Database is a grownup one to more than 150G then this percentComplete may not give you the correct percentage values.

To work with the SMO Objects in Visual Studio Projects, don’t forget to add references to the following assemblies.




On searching this on internet I came across one more useful post in blogs.

This is also having good program examples for C# programmers.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year 2008.

As Millions of people already said 'Goodbye 2007!', A New Year 2008 has born gloriously. I wish you all a happy and prosperous New year.

Like most of us, I too resolve in this new year to compel my self to write atleast one post in every month(minimum) and i will stand on this resolution.More over I decided to give you a hint about my next post in my every post.

As you know I missed a lot to post last year as my profession makes my passion out.So, let us welcome the new year 2008 with a great smiles and we will pass more miles in this year.